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Brent Lindstrom

New Logo Animation

Exciting things are happening. I'm likely to finish my next short film over the next couple of months. It's taken two years to make, but when you're not ready to give up on your day job, things move slowly in the artistic realm.

Eventually, I'll have a lot more happening here, and then Light Minded arts can really take off. In the mean time, here's an update:

The 1st book in my Gearlock series is done. I'm just working on getting some cover art put together for it, and then I'll announce the release date.

One For The Money, Two For The Soul is entering its last round of edits this month.

I've also begun writing a very light hearted space adventure. It should prove both funny and original.

The logo animation below, was created for my forthcoming short film. Its actually the prologue to my book: One For The Money, Two For The Show. However, this one is a bit more serious than the actual book is, and thus it didn't fit the light hearted nature of the novel. So I took it out of the novel and just did a short story out of it instead. I'm not sure when it'll be released to the public, as I may or may not run it through the film festival circuit. It is however the most ambitious short film I have done to date. So keep an eye out for it.

This logo was done through the open-source 3d software Blender, which I've been learning as a part of my filming adventures. I did have to take it into Adobe After effects to finish off, but I'm pretty happy with how it turned out. I'll let you know when the actual short film that it is attached to is ready for viewing.

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