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Brent Lindstrom

Also available as "When Mom Deploys"

The children of military personnel face the trauma and anxiety of separation due to deployments. Parents are often not equipped with the knowledge or tools that they need to provide comfort through these challenging times. In an easy to understand and entertaining format, this book opens the conversation about deployments. Parents will be able to give children an understanding of what is occurring and empower them to continue to grow and learn and develop their own inner strength and coping strategies.  

"These stories remind me how important it is to help children cope with the separation, sadness and worry that often surface in the military child’s experience. These books are a fantastic resource with amazing illustrations that give the framework of courage and strength through the journey of characters that children can relate to. Delightfully realistic and helpful for parents and caregivers!"

Julia Watson - Carlson

(Mom who deployed and had to leave her children multiple times.)

Master Sergeant, USMC (Ret)

"In her book, When Mom/Dad Deploys, Leslie Zimmerman gets right to the heart of the effect on each family member. She moves us through things that will be missed between deploying parent and child. While validating the sadness/scariness of deployment she affirms that letters will be written and that it is ok to live your life while parted. She empowers both the child and the parent to grow and change. As the wife of a Soldier who deployed twice, and the mother of children left behind, I applaud Leslie for writing a book that touches on so many facets of deployment while keeping her words positive.​

"I congratulate Leslie, a Veteran who exemplifies the brave, strong military parent she writes about, on the completion of a great book that will ensure families facing deployment will know that they are not alone."

Melissa Joy Hansen Continue Mission Executive Director

Illustrated by Paige Briscoe


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