I'm so excited and for more reasons than you might think. I've just finished the rough draft for my next book, "One For The Money, Two For The Soul".

Now let’s be clear, anytime I finish a book, I feel elated. But there is more to this than just another book completion. Yes, my skill has gotten better and yes, I do believe that this book will likely be a best seller, but I’m looking forward to more than just that.
If you follow me on Goodreads, you may notice that I enjoy reading books by all sorts of authors. One in particular has stood out to me. He’s the same author that imparted sage advice to other best-selling authors such as: Brandon Sanderson, Brandon Mull, Stephanie Meyer, and James Dashner.
He himself is also a best-selling author, and the same man who convinced Scholastic to first publish Harry Potter. His name is Dave Wolverton, aka David Farland. Maybe you’ve heard of him.
Well, he has agreed to edit and advise me on this latest book of mine. He’ll be dealing with a semi-polished version of my first draft. Needless to say, I look forward to learning from a master.
Since writing this, I've gotten back my draft from Dave Wolverton, done two more revisions on it, and now sending it out to Beta Readers. Beta Readers are those who read the pre-finished manuscript and offer their thoughts on what worked or didn't work for them. Its another way of honing the story.
If you would like to be a beta reader for me, feel free to reach out to me on my Contacts Page.